The objective of the LRAP Project is to improve land
tenure security for increased investment in the agricultural sector. The LRAP Project includes
two activities. The « Improved Regulatory Framework Activity » seeks to improve land
governance policy and legislation in Togo by integrating field-tested methodologies into the
regulatory framework for the New Land Code, thus lowering land registration costs and time,
and increasing access to land registration for existing holders of informal land rights. The
« Develop Methodologies Activity » seeks to develop and demonstrate practical land registration
and land tenure management methodologies that lower costs, decrease time requirements
and make land services more accessible to rural producers requiring formal protection of their
customary land rights. Once tested, the methodologies shall be incorporated into the New
Land Code regulations, and then utilized for national implementation of the New Land Code.

Previous Avis général de passation de marché Septembre 2021- Aout 2022

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